An extremely important branch of dentistry at the Trešnjo Clinic is diagnostics. We follow world trends in radiology and become professionally trained.

RVG (radiovisiography)

Digital tooth imaging individually

OPG (orthopantomogram)

Digital imaging of all teeth


We provide complete dental rtg diagnostics

The diagnostics department of the office is equipped with the latest devices in accordance with the trends in this field.

Orthopan (panoramic) is the most common technique and image that reproduces the entire maxillofacial region, including the temporomandibular joints (TMZ).

It is a recording in digital format and computer technology.

Such images have a high level of precision of the structures shown, which enables accurate and undistorted presentation of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, as well as the observation of more details and better diagnostic application.

In this way, pathological processes around all tooth roots, bone condition in the case of periodontitis, or dental caries are clearly identified.

Also, we use RTG radiovisiography methods. It is a digital sensor that takes detailed pictures of an individual tooth.

This allows us to get a targeted image of each individual tooth, and to display all the details of the crown and root, as well as the surrounding structure of the periodontal and alveolar bone.

The diagnostic methods we apply provide minimal radiation doses, higher imaging accuracy, wider diagnostic capabilities, bone density software analysis, the ability to magnify details, enhance contrast, and the ability to color all structures.

Diagnosis is essential for the timely detection of dental diseases and surrounding structures, and certainly the first step in determining the treatment of each individual patient.